2010年12月3日 星期五



Love, J. (2008, April). Mentor Graphics and Agilent Technologies aim to streamline RF PCB development. Retrieved on November 17, 2010 from eetimes http://tinyurl.com/2anzmqe


 In this article, it described that two companies will combine their products and design a new RF device, but they still have to face the lay out problems. If their design works, it will cause a great significance in RF research and bring huge benefits.


 RF is an identification system; it means radio frequency, and is used in communication products, such as wireless, cell phone, and the emission or the TV frequency, etc. The frequency of RF is from 10 Hz to 3160M Hz; the frequencies cover from radio to radar. RF is popular because it is used on the computer, cell phone, and processes of semiconductors, etc.
 RF was my interest area in university as well. If it is possible, I will study biomedical devices and apply to RF; RF could control biomedical devices by wireless or computer, the patients do not have to go to the hospital, and the doctor could know the patients' condition by computer.

